We had a great trip on Condor over to Europe. Back in Alaska, I’m still wrestling with the time zones–which is why I’m up typing at 4am. HA.
Just in case you’re not up on Condor‘s service, they fly nonstop from Anchorage, Fairbanks and Whitehorse to Frankfurt. The prices are great. For example, fly from Fairbanks to Frankfurt 8/9-9/8/2011 for $846rt all in. From Anchorage to Frankfurt, fly 6/28-7/19/2011 for $728rt all in. From Whitehorse, fly 6/15-7/6/2011 for $779rt all in. Great prices for what is essentially last-minute, peak-season travel.
I’ve got a boatload of Condor schwag to give away, now. Check out the photo (top):
a. hats
b. Amenity kits
c. Little plastic pouches w/3 oz. bottles to appease the TSA demigods
d. Luggage handles for your bags
e. Pocket massagers (l-o-n-g flight, after all!)
f. Euro-change which I cannot return to Wells Fargo (I have about €20 worth!)
g. pens
h. shopping bags with Condor logo
i. Coffee cup–NOT! I’m on my 2nd cup…and you CANNOT pry this cup from me. HA
I thought about grabbing the glasses and cutlery off of our return flight…it was pretty nice…but I didn’t do it.
LOTS of ways to win.
A. On Twitter, follow the feed: @alaskatravelgrm . Then, send me a note and tell me what prize you want–and why. Remember–only 140 characters!! Feel free to attach pics (twitpic.com etc.).
B. On Facebook, “like” the page: facebook.com/alaska.travelgram . Then, post on the wall which goodie you want–and why. Are you going to Europe? On Condor? When? Lemme know!
C. Subscribe to the newsletter. It’s free. Then, send me a note (zoom907@me.com) and tell me which piece of epic Condor schwag you cannot live without!! Why not??
D. Listen LIVE to the Alaska Travelgram radio show on Tuesday (tomorrow, June 7, 2011). Erin Kirkland and I will give away a bunch of this stuff to some lucky listeners. KOAN 95.5FM/1020AM in Anchorage. 2-3PM.
Christy says I have to get this stuff off the kitchen counter by Wednesday or it’s GARBAGE time. Can’t face it–so let’s get busy!!
So–we have enough goodies that we can give some away on the air, with Twitter, Facebook and the newsletter. To win, you have to follow/like/subscribe, etc. I will pick the winners and cover the postage (worldwide). For winners–that means I’ll send you a congratulatory note and ask for your address, etc.
Have fun–good luck!
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