I love Alaska Love

In Alaska Travelgram, Consumer, Shopping by scott

My friend Marne Lastufka offers a line of “Alaska Love” wear. It’s really clever stuff. Perhaps you’ve seen
Here are a couple of shots. Her gear is pretty–too pretty for me to wear. So I enlisted the help of a couple of models I keep on retainer. HAHAHAHAHAHAA.
Here, Sandra Loomis of Talkeetna Air Taxi displays her over-the-top theatric tendencies. Oh, and the t-shirt. Notice the pattern: the Alaska flag with hearts. Clever.
Next, Mindy O’Neall, our very own “Gal Radio”, dons the hat. That, despite the fact that it would MESS UP her hair for her bogie presentation at “Ignite”. Ah. Sacrifice.
So, check out Marne’s stuff. It’s pretty cool. The website has pictures of the hoods, t-shirts and so forth. Alaska Love=Cool.

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