Make plans now to go to Seward and see Skittle at the Alaska SeaLife Center, the Sea Otter pup, playing in the Big Tank!!
Visitors to the Alaska SeaLife Center may be able to see Skittle swimming and playing in the harbor seal exhibit (Big Tank) for the next month or more, as long as he responds to training and behaves himself.
Sea otters are very curious and clever, and often discover ways to modify their habitats. At Oregon Coast Aquarium, for example, the sea otters have broken off pieces of rock and made shatter marks along their exhibit window, forcing the aquarium to replace the window several times
Sea otter pups demand so much hands-on care that they become attached to humans and are considered non-releasable. As soon as Skittle arrived at the Center, efforts began to find him a permanent home at a zoo or aquarium with a sea otter exhibit, and he is now scheduled to move to the New York Aquarium on Coney Island sometime in June.
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