It’s April and time to start thinking about fishing in Alaska! Alaska Magazine’s annual fishing issue is on newsstands now! The 2009 Fishing Outlook includes a region-by-region and species-by species look at 2009. Start your angling season off right and pick up a copy today.
As a subscriber, I got the magazine a couple of weeks ago–and it’s always great to get new ideas about where to fish throughout Alaska. There’s a great article in this month’s issue on Sheefish–and where to catch them on the Kobuk River. Wow.
Beyond sport-fishing, you can read about commercial fishing around Cordova–and even organic gardening on the Kuskokwim Delta in Bethel.
Have photos? Check out the Alaska magazine photo contest at Send in your best digital photos of Alaska and enter to win great prizes and a chance to have your photo published in Alaska magazine. Submit your photos until June 1, 2009. By the way, you’ll find all kinds of great photos in this month’s issue as well!
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