Save 30 percent on Kenai Fjords Tours n-o-w

In Alaska Travelgram by scott

Sailing in Kenai Fjords National Park

Use the discount code “PREZ” to trim 30 percent off the cost of a-n-y Kenai Fjords Tours cruise this summer. Purchase between now and Mon., Feb. 20, 2023.

Kenai Fjords Tours 30 percent off sale valid through Monday, Feb. 20, 2023 only.

Book online at for maximum savings on a-l-l cruises, including springtime wildlife viewing cruises, glacier dinner cruises, national park tours and Northwestern Glacier cruises.

This is the BEST CHANCE to save on spring/summer cruises in Kenai Fjords National Park.

A Kenai Fjords Tours boat docks at Fox Island for dinner.

Make your spring and summertime plans this weekend o-n-l-y with Kenai Fjords Tours.

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