Think Globally. Drink Locally. It’s a wonderful rule to live by…that’s why Clearly Arctic is the official water of the Alaska Travelgram. Oh–in addition to that, it’s the OFFICIAL water of the Alaska Travelgram radio show (see photo above!). GET BACK!!
No, really. We now have an “official” water. Why? Well, Clearly Arctic is “harvested” from nearby Eklutna Lake (pictured). This lake also is the source of our local drinking water in Anchorage. But Clearly Arctic is different. No “extras” like chlorine and flouride. And the delivery system is a little different, too: get it by the bottle instead of through our pipes. Oh, the bottles are biodegradable, recyclable and all those lovely green thangs.
Uh, did I mention the water tastes delicious? That’s a good thing–and I am not making this up. There are all kinds of good things about Clearly Arctic, which they document on their web page–too complex for me. Think about this, tho’: if you’re going to get water by the bottle, why not get the local stuff? It just makes sense. Buy it in Anchorage at New Sagaya/City Market, at all Tesoro Stations and at my yoga studio, Anchorage Yoga!
Oh, check out Clearly Arctic’s Facebook page. Go ahead…”like” it. HA.
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