My name is Scott. I’m a Yoga-holic

In Alaska Travelgram, Consumer by scott

Help me, please. Yoga is crowding out chocolate on my all-time favorite things in life. Of course, it’s a good thing. As long as I maintain a good Yoga discipline, there’s still coffee, wine and…well…a few other precious favorite things. HA.

But for travelers, Yoga is a bonus. Most of us have to practice twisting into odd shapes, whether it’s a middle seat on your next flight or a puny rental car.
Anchorage Yoga is my studio here in Anchorage. Katey and Josh do a great job. Both of them teach classes, although most often I’m in one of Rick’s “hot yoga” classes. Bring a towel and some water!!
There are a couple of specials this month. For new students (that’s most of you), pick up a one-month pass for $67. That’s an awesome deal–and it will give you a good taste of the practice. You’ll feel better. DO IT!
The other special is a three-month pass for $333. Josh calls it a PFD deal.  I call it a great way to front-load your well-being. Check it out. It costs more because once you’re into it, you realize that Yoga is WORTH IT.  Anchorage Yoga is right down the Strip Mall from Jens’ Restaurant at 36th and Arctic in Anchorage. Click through to the website. Drop in. Exalt your warrior. And for Heaven’s Sake, try and find some grace in your Downward-Facing Dawg. HA.

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