It’s open season on discount fares for summertime travel–and USTravel is here to help. Here’s the low-fare roundup for this week.
Remember–keep an eye on markets where two or more airlines compete with nonstop flights. It’s the “soft spot” where airlines are willing to wheel and deal!
Your USTravel agent can help you get the best seat, the right hotel and the rental car that works for you.
Be sure and check out the new website: .
Plus check the fan page on Facebook and follow the specials on Twitter .
Here’s the roundup:
Anchorage-Denver $376rt all-in
Anchorage-Frankfurt as low as $991rt all-in
Anchorage-Washington, DC $441rt all-in
Anchorage-New York City $479rt all-in
Anchorage-San Francisco $416rt all-in
Anchorage-Portland $400rt all-in
Anchorage-Chicago $448rt all-in
Fairbanks-Denver $398rt all-in
Fairbanks-Frankfurt as low as $1,069rt all-in
If these prices look good, call your agent at USTravel today.
In Anchorage: (907)561-2434 (800)544-2217
In Fairbanks: (907) 452-8992
(Check the website for office addresses/phones in Ketchikan, Kodiak, Juneau, Prudhoe Bay, Dutch Harbor and Seattle)
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