June: Bustin’ out all over in Anchorage!

In Adventure, Alaska Travelgram, Consumer, Parks by scott

Have you noticed? Summer is here. Be sure and explore Anchorage.net for all the events in and around Anchorage, plus great deals! Here are some of our favorites:

a. Alaska Botanical Gardens. The Garden Fair is coming up on Sat., June 26. Stroll through the lovely gardens and check out crafts from local artists. We always go–it’s a must-see.

b. Ship Creek Salmon Derby. Our very own downtown fishing derby starts this weekend–so get your gear ready!

c. B-i-g Summer Solstice Festival on Sat., June 19. There will be music from 12 Noon to 12 Midnight right in Town Square. Come and celebrate the longest days of summer!

d. Hot specials now available. Fishing, accommodations, activities–check ’em out!

e. Friends of Seymour. There is a special section of bargains for Alaska residents.

Lots more events listed here!

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