Don’t miss it: This Sunday, July 28 (10a-5p) is the Alaska Aviation Festival, with fly-bys of historic aircraft, music, food trucks, museum tours, the works!
There’s no better place in Alaska for #AvGeeks than right here at the Alaska Aviation Museum on Lake Hood. Located right next to Rust’s Flying Service on the shores of the world’s busiest float plane base, the museum has historic exhibits about the war in the Aleutians (Attu) 75 years ago, a special exhibit on Wien Airlines and meticulously-restored historic planes like the Stearman (above) and the Pilgrim, below.
Be sure and visit the WWI exhibit now on display at the Museum!
Admission is free for members, or $17 for adults (kids $10). Free parking and shuttle available at Alaska Park, near the Coast Int’l Inn.
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