Join me at Knik River Lodge: find your perfect Alaska Staycation.

In Destination, Lodging, Mat-Su, Trip Report by scott

On the ice at a glacier near the lodge.

Our friends at Knik River Lodge are hosting a special get-together where we’ll go over the best and the brightest Alaska Staycation ideas for this summer: check-in starts at 3:00 pm on Thu., June 25, 2020. Your overnight package includes accommodations in a private cabin and dinner for two, starting at 5:00 p.m. My program starts later, at about 8:00 p.m.

“Staycation” deals and highlights we’ll cover:

—Alaska Railroad
—Road trip

We’ll also set our sites a little higher and explore some options which may include a quick flight (Kodiak, Nome, Juneau). Finally, we’ll dig into the best airfare deals—around the state and around the country. We’re saving “around the world” for later, although there may be some surprises.

Plenty of time for questions. In fact, you can send them to me in advance:

Cost: $299 per couple. Add $99 per person for a helicopter ride—right from the front lawn! 

Call (877)745-4575 for reservations of more information. Tell ‘em Scott sent you.

That’s Anchorage at lower left. The red dot is Knik River Lodge.

Below, Ashley shows off one of the dinner plates!

Ashley Larson holds up the Vegan Bowl from Raven’s Perch.

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