1. Seward Room & Cruise special. Take advantage of lower fall rates and see Kenai Fjords National Park. Your package includes a cruise into the park with Kenai Fjords Tours, plus overnight accommodations at the Seward Windsong Lodge. Valid Sep 4-18, 2017. Prices start at $199.50 per person, double. CLICK HERE.
2. Save 20 percent on Fox Island (pictured, above!) when you stay on Sept. 4 and 5. Enjoy a special two-day vacation getaway at the Kenai Fjords Wilderness Lodge. The package includes two nights accommodations, all of your meals, kayaking and…well…the chance to hang out at Fox Island! Cost is $980 oper person. But you really need to check it out! CLICK HERE.
3. Save $25 on Denali Backcountry Adventures (pictured, above) between now and the end of the 2017 season (through Sept. 13). Leave from the entrance to the park at Denali. You’ll travel the entire 84-mile length of the road, visiting areas that fewer than 5 percent of all park visitors see! Watch for bear, caribou, moose, sheep and other wildlife. There are plenty of stops along the way…plus dinner back at the Denali Backcoutry Lodge. Check it out! CLICK HERE.
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