Call me crazy. I’m still super-excited to get on a plane and go somewhere. Pretty much anywhere. Check out this picture of the Bering Glacier (top)….taken from the window of Alaska #96 last week!

Bart, my MVP75K friend.
I traveled on short notice down to Seattle (YES, just in time for that nasty storm!). Here’s my report.
Despite my best efforts, I ended up in a middle seat. #cranky Oh, I could have taken a horrible flight, but this was a quick trip. So I just gritted my teeth, checked my attitude and resolved to make the best of it.
The trip started out at the Board Room, where I ran into my good friend and über-frequent flyer Bart Parker. Bart is MVP75K, which is airline-speak for “my butt hurts from being on a plane for my entire life.” I should add that Bart used to be “Mr. Delta.” He was a “Diamond Medallion Million-Mile” frequent flyer with Delta, racking up more than 125,000 miles per year. But when Delta devalued their frequent flyer plan last year, Bart switched to Alaska Air. If you want to find out how Bart likes Alaska compared to Delta, stop by the “Travel Secrets: World Edition” event on Nov. 10. He’ll be there…answering your questions!
I got on the plane and settled in to my middle seat. Lovely. #cozyMoments
Thankfully, neither of my two seatmates weighed more than 100 pounds. Color me grateful that there was plenty of wiggle room for my ample back side. HA. Stacy, an attorney, was headed to California to see friends and family. Stephanie, a doctor, was bound for a conference in Las Vegas. The three of us had great a conversation on the flight.

Middle seat? Why sure. #cozy
The plane, one of Alaska’s newest, was a 737-900 and every seat was filled. But the cabin crew was efficient—and everyone got served. I opted for the fruit-n-cheese platter.
My “new normal” is carry-on only. So I just strolled off the plane and walked through the parking garage to get on the train to downtown Seattle. By 3:30pm, I was walking around downtown Seattle.
I cashed in some credit card points to stay at the Grand Hyatt overnight. It’s a r-e-a-l-l-y nice place—and they put me on the top floor!
There was just enough time to meet a friend at a new brew-pub on First Ave. Cloudburst Brewing. Fun place. No food. Just good beer. You’re kind of sitting in the midst of their brewing space. Fun.
Dinner? Mark Dudley and I went over to the Alibi Room. Oh—it was too dark for photos, but we had a great pizza. Proscuitto, goat cheese and cilantro. Or something like that. Right next to the gum wall in the Pike Place Market.
The next day, I took the train out to the airport for my meeting. But I stopped at the Columbia City station to visit with my good friend Mira Anselmi. Her husband, Kevin, makes some awesome chocolate. I got some. I ate it. Then I got back on the train.

My room on the top floor of the Grand Hyatt (15,000 points from my Chase Card)
At Sea-Tac, I grabbed my favorite lunch: the rockfish taco from Anthony’s…then retreated to the Board Room for a tall, cool one.
I did come back on an earlier flight and got an aisle seat. But the fellow next to me was all “man-spreading” and I had to sort of arm-wrestle for a little personal space on the whole flight. #Awkward
The verdict on Alaska Air? Two thumbs up. I had two sold-out flights, operating in marginal weather. Our return flight left about 15 minutes late, but the pilot made good time en route to make up a little time. I was thankful Alaska had an earlier flight…I’m happy that I have more than 10 flights each day to Seattle from which to choose!
#IFlyAlaska #AlaskaAirFaresWeLove
Anchorage-Seattle $213rt Alaska 11/29-2/28/2017
Anchorage-Sacramento $288rt Alaska 11/29-3/8/17
Anchorage-Las Vegas $298rt Alaska 11/28-3/8/2017
Anchorage-Phoenix $298rt Alaska 11/29-3/3/2017
Anchorage-Los Angeles/LAX $258rt Alaska 11/28-3/8/17
Anchorage-Salt Lake $356rt Alaska 11/29-3/8/2017
Anchorage-Boston $400rt Alaska 11/30-3/8/2017
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