We want you to be a healthy traveler. That means more than vaccinations and exercise! It means regular screening for high blood pressure, heart disease and other ailments. Mark your calendar for this Saturday, April 20 here in Anchorage. Alaska Regional Hospital is hosting a FREE health fair, from 8 a.m. to 12 Noon. I’m going…just for the free blood tests!
Two floors of exhibits and booths will offer health education, free chair massage, blood pressure checks, hands-only CPR training, and more. Free blood tests will be available for adults 18 & over, including lipid panel (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides), blood sugar, HbA1c, and PSA. Our mini-seminars will run throughout the morning. Plus, if you buy your fishing licence at the fair, we’ll cover $5 of the cost for you!
No RSVP necessary. Please contact Audry at (907)264-1113 for more information. The event will be this Saturday, Apr. 20, 2013 – 8:00 a.m.-12 Noon, Alaska Regional Main Lobby. For more information CLICK HERE.
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