Our friends at GCI advise that the Androids have, indeed, invaded Alaska! GCI’s new phone the HTC Hero, features the Google Android operating system, which means it synchs nicely with all those Googley apps, including Gmail, Youtube, Google Voice and bunches of other applications.
Back a-w-a-y from the hotel phone. The nationwide unlimited plan with the HTC Hero is $99.99/mo., with a 2-year contract. No need to incur fat fees for dialing from your room!
I’m still getting used to the 3.2-inch touch screen. I can flip the screen sideways to type on my QWERTY keyboard sideways. Thankfully, the numbers on the dialing screen are nice and big.
The new Hero is made for the social networker in all of us–it’s easy to flip back and forth between Twitter, Facebook and email.
MAPS. MAPS. MAPS. This is a big help when you’re on the road! The Hero works quite nicely with Google Maps.
Other features include:
a. MP3 sterero music player
b. Brilliant screen quality
c. Customizable home screens
d. Internal GPS – with Google Maps
e. 5 MP camera with zoom
f. Unlimited Talk/Text and Data nationwide: $99.99/mo.
Check out the new Android “Hero” today at a GCI store.
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