Ah. #IFlyAlaska (Alaska Airlines)!

In Airfares, Consumer, Travel Deals by scott

NEW! Have you got baggage? Lots of baggage? Alaska Air now offers you a great solution while flying within Alaska: up to 100 pounds of freight for just $10. Yup. Just take your extra 100 pounds over to the freight office. Have your Club 49 card handy (PRO TIP: It’s in the Alaska Air APP on your smartphone). Just drop it off within 24 hours of travel. Also, have your boarding pass or itinerary handy. If you’re not traveling and still want to send 100 pounds from Ketchikan to Barrow, or from Anchorage to Kotzebue–it costs $40. It’s all part of the CLUB 49 MAGIC! #IFlyAlaska

Did I mention how much I love the Alaska Airlines Visa card from Bank of America (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO)? Sign up and get a 40,000-mile bonus (you have to pay the $75 annual fee and spend $2,000 in the first 90 days). You’ll also get a famous companion pass. All you pay is $99 plus the taxes and fees on the companion pass ($22-$142)–and FULL MILEAGE CREDIT is included! THEY ARE GREAT.

Be sure and SIGN UP for the weekly email on Tuesdays to get the special deals!

You get two free checked bags when you’re flying in and out of Alaska.
-Weekly fare sale offers good deals that start on Tuesday, end on Thursday.

-FLY NOW certificates for last-minute travel offering 30 percent off full-coach “Y” fares

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