I spent a couple of lovely days in Juneau this week. OK. One lovely day…and a stormy day, too. HAHA. Here are some photos. Above, I took the Goldbelt Tram up Mt. Roberts and hiked up to the cross for a million-dollar view.
The eagle has landed. I like this shot (above), because you can see one of Wings Airways‘ turbine DHC-3 Otters flying low over the channel. I took this right by the tram station.
It’s still cruise season in Juneau. That’s the Eurodam, above.
Looking south down Gastineau Channel, the afternoon light bounces off one of Seaborne’s ships headed back to Seattle.
Along the waterfront, be sure and visit the giant whale sculpture (above). It’s really cool–and features an giant water display from time to time.
North of the airport in Auke Bay, the ferry Columbia (above) with Alaska’s Marine Highway takes on passengers and vehicles for the next leg of their journey.
Also in Auke Bay (right across the street from the harbor), you can taste some fine beer at Forbidden Peak Brewing (above).
Further north from Auke Bay is the Shrine of St. Therese. There’s a little chapel on an island connected by a causeway. I like to walk the labyrinth on the grounds. It’s a beautiful waterfront setting.
I stayed at the Driftwood Hotel, using my 2-for-1 coupon in the Alaska TourSaver. It’s right around the corner from the Alaska State Museum. They’re having an exhibition on “Gut” and how it’s used in Alaska’s indigenous cultures. Fabulous exhibit. Check out the raincoats. Also, the art is fantastic–including this figure. Be sure and visit the museum when you stop over in Juneau.
It was just a quick trip to Juneau. What’s your favorite part of visiting Alaska’s Capital City?? Let me know…send me a note! scott@alaskatravelgram.com
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