Last week I shared my story about coming to Alaska. Since then, Brenda B. shared hers…about coming with her family in 1969.
I caught up with Brenda to give her a prize (everyone gets a prize) at the Log Cabin in downtown Anchorage. Here it is:
“In June of 1969 10 of us caravanned from Minnesota to Anchorage. There was my family (Dad, Mom, 4 kids under 10), my uncle and aunt, their nine-month-old daughter and my single uncle. We drove the Alaska Highway in three vehicles (2 sedans and a pickup) and one 6×9 trailer with all our possessions.
“Whenever we would stop us kids would run inside to use the bathroom. We arrived at place on the Alaska Highway and ran in and then out to tell our parents that they had no bathrooms. That’s when we learned about outhouses. Of course the next place we stopped at we ran around behind the building and came back with “They have no bathrooms” like we had never heard of indoor plumbing before.
“I also remember our last night in Canada. This was before the border was open 24 hours a day. We arrived while customs was closed and the 10 of us had to spend the night in our cars with the vents closed because the mosquitoes were coming in through the vents.
“We arrived in Anchorage on June 13, 1969 (53 years ago).
“When people asked why we moved to Alaska, I was told that my Dad always wanted to go to Australia or Alaska and you couldn’t drive to Australia.”

Thanks for sharing, Brenda!
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