This may be the year you’ll be able to drive your own car (or a rental) on the Denali Park Road. It’s the only road inside Denali National Park–a total of 92 miles from the park entrance to Kantishna.
Because of the sharp drop-off is visitors this summer (no cruise ships), the park is opening the road on several weekends:
July 10-12,
July 24-26,
August 7-9,
August 21-23,
and September 4-6
Reservations for the limited number of private cars are available 14 days prior to departure only, at Recreation.gov . Details and answers frequently-asked-questions can be found HERE. It costs $55 for a vehicle permit to drive the Park road.

On the weekends listed above, visitors can drive from park entrance to the Eielson Visitor Center at Mile 60. No private traffic is permitted past this point until the September road lotteries.
Drivers also can go during the month of June as far as mile 30, the Teklanika River. Permits are required (via Recreation.gov )and space is limited. Again, you must have a vehicle permit, which costs $55.
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