Welcome to the next chapter of our “virtual” Alaska Summer Showcase. Enter to win a g-r-e-a-t package from our friends at Alaska Wildland Adventures.

Alaska Wildland Adventures owns and operates three wilderness lodges on the Kenai Peninsula: the Kenai Backcountry Lodge, the Kenai Fjords Glacier Lodge and the Kenai Riverside Lodge .

The Kenai Riverside Lodge (the o-n-l-y one accessible by road) is right on the river. Your PRIZE includes overnight accommodations at the lodge and an all-day raft trip down the Kenai River Canyon for two! The raft trip is Alaska Wildland’s most popular trip . All your gear is included (boots, rain gear and life vest). Since it’s an all-day trip, lunch also is included.

BONUS: Take advantage of a 10 percent promotional discount for all subscribers. Use the coupon code “Showcase 2020.” That’s good for any Alaska Wildland Adventures program, including all-inclusive Adventures, Kenai Riverside Fishing packages, Lodge stays and Day Trips. Check the website for more information. Or, call the office in Girdwood: (907)783-2928.

Thanks for playing and thanks fo Alaska Wildland Adventures for being part of our “virtual” Alaska Summer Showcase.
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