For the past two weeks, I’ve hosted a young Brit on a “Journalism Intensive” here at Castle McMurren. The castle actually is under siege as we remodel the kitchen. I know…timing is everything. Above, our visit with British Honorary Consul Dr. Diddy Hitchins.
Regardless, Samuel David “SD” Jones, has produced a fine blog detailing his adventures-in-storytelling. He’s reported from here in Anchorage on the shores of Ship Creek, from the wilds of Denali National Park, from the inside of several sleazy bars, from a live music-video shoot in Homer with Hobo Jim…and much more. Right: on the banks of the Kenai River with me and #1 son, Drew McMurren. Oh…SD did not use the word “smashing”. But I thought it sounded nice. Pure fiction on my part. HA
Of course, “SD” is not the first Brit to explore Alaska. That honor goes to Capt. James Cook. You know…the one who built the hotel downtown. J-u-s-t kidding.
KIDS THESE DAYS. After about 10 days in Alaska, his oh-so-British snark-style is emerging. In a proper way, dontchyaknow. CHECK IT OUT. FOLLOW ALONG.
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