Here’s a rundown from the Alaska Dispatch of some of the top air fare deals to/from Anchorage this Spring/Summer. (Above, when I get a window seat, I love to take pictures out the window. Here, I was
flying between Boeing Field (Seattle) and Salem, OR on Seaport Air. Nice clouds, huh? The plane was a nine-seat Pilatus PC-12. Leather seats. Pressurized. Pretty sweet. To the left, we banked hard over the Columbia River to make the approach into Portland-PDX. I like the way Interstate 205 kinda snakes off into the distance, huh? )
Pay special attention to L.A., Denver and Chicago. We’re also tracking San Francisco, Phoenix, Salt Lake, Philadelphia, Zurich, Atlanta, Dallas, Portland and Seattle. Oh–and Vancouver, BC. And Honolulu.
This summer, there are nonstop flights from ALL of these destinations to Anchorage. Up in Fairbanks, we’re tracking the deals to/from Denver and to/from Frankfurt. Those are some great deals for travelers in Interior Alaska.
Each week, I write a travel article for the Alaska Dispatch. You should definitely check out the Dispatch if you don’t already do so. They do a great job.
Also, track air fares on our FACEBOOK page and our TWITTER feed.
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