Traveling around Alaska, many of the free internet hot spots are spotty, indeed. Slow speeds, non-secure hook-ups, broken connections, the works.
So, I’m a big fan of GCI‘s wireless card, which plugs into the side of my laptop. Dubbed “Xtreme Mobility”, the plan is available to existing GCI cable modem customers for $20 per month.
The card allows you to tap into super-fast EVDO signal from Whittier up to WIllow, over in Soldotna and up in Fairbanks. Oh, Seward, too. Elsewhere along the railbelt, you’ll get a slower signal–but it’s good enough to check your email.
Of course, I’ve got a Blackberry from GCI, so I get a fair amount of my email delivered that way. But I like the screen and the keyboard on my laptop–that’s where the e-card comes in handy.
I’ve also used the card in airports in the Lower 48. There is an additional roaming charge when you’re out-of-sate, but it’s handy when you’re stranded in an airport, or at a hotel that wants $14 to hook up. Yikes!
On the cell phone front, check out GCI’s unlimited plans. That’s a wonderful word, “unlimited”. For example, the Nationwide Unlimited plan is $99.99. Within Alaska, it’s just $54.99. Wow.
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