Lucky winners! You could win, too!

In Alaska Travelgram, Travel Deals by scott

Ah, LUCKY WINNERS. Lots of entries–and only ONE person won each prize. But there are MORE PRIZES to give away. Check below.

So, here are the lucky winners from last week’s contest:

a. The Aeropress Coffee Maker. Jeez–I love this coffee maker. Rick R. out in Shemya is the lucky winner. “There is no espresso place in Shemya, so we  could really use the Aeropress”. Boy–tug at my heartstrings, Rick. Just be sure to use some quality Kaladi Bros. Coffee. I know they do mail order! Stand by, ’cause espresso is on the way!!

b. Flybags. Marilyn K. in Anchorage is the winner of the Flybags. “I am going to Slovenia to tour the villages my grandparents came from,” she writes. Now, she’ll fly through the TSA checkpoint in style!

c. Camellia B. in Anchorage is the lucky winner of the “Seattle TourSaver”. From the same folks who brought you the Great Alaskan TourSaver (uh….that would be…uh….ME!), the Seattle TourSaver has 100 2-for-1 offers. It’s a great resource! 

OK. This week’s prizes are as follows. Read carefully, since there are some special considerations.

a. Alaskan Go Fish. This is the same card game we grew up with. But the numbers all are fish that you catch in Alaska waters. My friends Justin and Rita in Ketchikan came up with this clever game. Halibut, salmon, you get the idea. “Do you have any rockfish?” HA! Send me a FISH STORY that I can share with the class. Extra credit if the story takes place in MARCH! Be sure and include your address. My email is: [email protected]

b. Buhach Bug Dope. Check the website for the full story:

buhachMy friend Dave in Seattle actually manufactures this effective, organic bug repellent–first made famous during the Gold Rush of 1898. Remember, summer is coming–and so are the bugs. So send me a BUG STORY that I can share with the class. Include your address. My email is: [email protected]

c. Great Alaskan TourSaver. I love this book. We’ve been publishing the Great Alaskan TourSaver for 11 years. It’s more fun now, since we’ve seen and previewed adventures in every corner of the state. The Great Alaskan TourSaver is your 2-for-1 ticket to the best adventures in Alaska.

gats09-cover-350p1You could win a free copy. Go to the website. My friend Dan offers a couple of 2-for-1 tickets for incredible adventures out in Lake Clark. Tell me: what’s the name of his company? If you answer correctly, you could win a TourSaver book–and save $100. Be sure and include your address. My email address is [email protected]

Good luck–and thanks for playing! Oh–and share this newsletter with friends and family who are curious about Alaska. And follow us on for up-to-the-minute updates:

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