“We’re all connected”. That’s GCI‘s saying–and it’s true. These days, we’re hooked up by phone, on the internet–and via our cell phones. Our friends at GCI now offer a nationwide unlimited cell phone plan for just $99.99 per month. That includes unlimited calling, unlimited texting–even unlimited picture messaging! Partner lines also are available. The first two are $49.99 each per month. A third partner line is available for $19.99 per month!
There’s also a new in-state unlimited plan: For $54.99 per month, you receive unlimited statewide calling, texting and picture messaging!
Plus, you get a FREE PHONE with the deal when you sign a two-year contract.
What’s my favorite (f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e) GCI product? My new Wireless card! It works great in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Kenai, Soldotna–and the LAX airport. Slick. Fast. No more searching for high-priced wireless networks. If you have GCI Cable at home, you can get the wireless car for $20/mo. WORTH IT! LOVE IT!!
Stop by a GCI store today, or call them at (800)800-4000. Ask about their slick wireless card for your laptop. I’ve got one. I’m happy. You will be, too!
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