USTravel reports: Anchorage-Asia air fares

In Airfares, Alaska Travelgram, Consumer by scott

Penny Lampl is my go-to agent for travel to/from Asia. She heads up the Kodiak office of USTravel. We’ve done a  couple of presentations together and she’s helped me drill down to get the best deals, particularly on nonstop  flights from Anchorage to Asia.

Her suggestion? “China Airlines is the only carrier providing year-round service from Anchorage to Asia, via Taipei,” she writes.

It’s a bummer you cannot get Alaska Airlines miles on China Air. For that, you have to fly Northwest out of Seattle or Honolulu, or Qantas out of L.A. or Honolulu.

Here is a sampling of the latest fares that Penny researched:

ANC-Manila = $924 rt + ~$279 taxes

ANC-Seoul = 984 rt + ~$279 taxes

ANC-Hong Kong = 864 rt + ~$279 taxes

ANC-Beijing = 940 rt + ~$279 taxes

ANC-Bangkok = 924 rt + ~$279 taxes

All travel must begin by May 20, 2009 to qualify. Check with Penny for rates to/from Taipei, Dehli, Mumbai, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and other Asian destinations. 

Give her a call: (907) 486-3232 or email her:

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