Alaska book report

In Alaska Travelgram, Travel Deals by scott

Just got a nice note from Sara Juday over at Alaska Northwest Books. There are some great titles available this year, including a new edition of Bob Armstrong’s guide to birds of Alaska (very cool!). Brandon Droeger took this k-e-w-l picture of a bald eagle fishing for lunch. Visit his site to see other great images. I’ve got a few books to give away! Here’s how to win: Send me an email here: . The subject line MUST include the name of the book you’d like to win. Choose one from the list below. The body of the email MUST include:

a. your name, address and phone number

b. your favorite Alaska destination

c. dates of your Alaska vacation (or just say “I live here” if that’s the case)

1. The World Famous Alaska Highway (3rd Edition). Tricia Brown gives offers nuts-and-bolts info on the Alcan Highway and other roads in the far north. Maps, photos and comprehensive descriptions of sights along the way–it’s all part of this handy guide. I first met Tricia when she was working at Alaska Magazine–she’s traveled quite a bit and shares that knowledge with you. Of special interest: crossing the international border to Canada. Tip: leave your handguns at home in the U.S. 

2. Guide to the Birds of Alaska. Bob Armstrong is a bird nut–and this is the 5th edition of his comprehensive list of birds in Alaska. He’s been a nature photographer for almost 50 years. This book includes descriptions of 480 species of birds in Alaska. There are useful maps and checklists, plus a comprehensive reading list for more information. 

3. The Alaska Almanac–Facts about Alaska. While this is a good all-around fact book, it also has the “Wacky Wisdom of Mr. Whitekeys” to spice things up. Now in its 31st edition, this handy guide has all the facts you ever wanted to know about Alaska–and a few I promise you don’t care about!!

4. FOR THE KIDS: One Wing’s Gift: Rescuing Wild Birds in Alaska. Oh–this is a signed copy. Eagle River author and illustrator Joan Harris offers up compelling drawings and photographs of wild birds at the Bird Treatment and Learning Center in Anchorage. The kids love the stories of bald eagles, horned owls, goshawks and other birds. Each has a name–and a story! 

If you’re planning a visit, these books will help you get in the “Alaska zone”. If you live here, chances are excellent that you’ll learn something new about the wonderful state we call “Home”. Thanks for playing!

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