Twisted up by a long plane ride? Stop in at Laughing Lotus of Anchorage. There, your yoga instructor will help you stretch, lean, twist and b-r-e-a-t-h-e your way back to a balanced state! Heck–at least that’s the way it’s been for me!
Now, when I travel, I seek out a local Yoga studio–just like I did here in Barcelona. All the instructions were in Spanish, so I had plenty of excuses when I messed up! HAHA.
Check out the Talkeetna Yoga Weekend, July 17-19. This special workship includes all your meals, snacks and Yoga practices. You can rent a cabin, or camp–it’s up to you!
Learn more about the Talkeetna weekend: 243-YOGA (9642). Check out all the events online.
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