Don’t stop ’til you reach the top—with Northern Alaska Tour Co. We’ve been making lots of new friends in Fairbanks—and the folks at NATC have all sorts of buses and planes (our favorite toys). Plus…cheeseburgers in Coldfoot! Uh, yes. That’s me. DIPPING MY TOE in the Arctic Ocean.
Check out the Arctic Ocean adventure! This is a three-day/two-night adventure to/from Fairbanks. It works in either direction. Here are some highlights from the Southbound itinerary.
DAY ONE: Fly north from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay. Check out the oil fields and the pipeline. Go ahead—DIP YOUR TOE in the Arctic Ocean! Overnight.
DAY TWO: Head south on the Dalton Highway aka “the Haul Road.” You’ll get some up-close views of the arctic tundra on the Arctic Coastal Plain. Soon, though, you’ll climb into the Brooks Range and cross Atigun Pass. It’s spectacular. I’ve been there. Watch for sheep! Overnight at Coldfoot (try the cheeseburger at the cafe!).
DAY THREE: Visit Wiseman, an old mining community on the Koyukuk River, just 14 miles from Coldfoot. Say hello to “Mayor” Jaclk Reakoff for me! There’s a scheduled stop at the Arctic Circle for photos. Then, stop at the Mighty Yukon River—the bridge (constructed for the pipeline) is the only bridge over the Yukon in Alaska. Then…make your way back to Fairbanks.
This is one heck of a fly-drive tour that you can write home about! Cost is $1,139 per person! There are some optional trips you can take along the way to Barrow or to Anaktuvuk Pass. CALL NORTHERN ALASKA TOUR COMPANY. (800)474-1986. Tell ‘em Scott sent you!

Caption: Above, these were my travel-mates when I drove over Atigun Pass in the winter. Below, strolling through Wiseman with Jack Reakoff.

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