I feel the need. The need….for…..speed!
The techno-gurus over at GCI are working hard with Santa and his elves to make sure Alaskans have all the best wireless toys–from Ketchikan to Barrow…and, uh, of course, North Pole! Here is the short list:
a. Bright lights, big city. Upgrade to the Xtreme XL Power package for your internet in Anchorage. Download speeds up to 22 Mbps, upload speeds up to 2 Mbps. Hmmm. What’s next? Typing lessons? HA! I just upgraded…WOW!
b. Stocking stuffer. Get the new “MiFi” device for Mobile Broadband. This instantly connects with GCI’s 3G network–and allows you to connect up to five devices. Think laptop+laptop+iPod Touch. It’s not as fast as your 22Mbps at home–but it beats watching paint dry at the crowded coffee shop. The device is $100, with plans for as little as $20/mo. I’ve got one–works great in Ketchikan, Juneau, Fairbanks, Anchorage….
c. Under the tree. Okay, I’m a bit jaded here. I’ve got the HTC Desire and I L-O-V-E it. W-a-a-a-y easier texting than other HTC models. V-e-r-y cool Google interface for YouTube videos, Google Maps, Gmail and all things Googly. After all, it IS a Google phone. This month, get the HTC Desire at no additional charge when you sign up for a 2-year contract. Plus, you get three months of smartphone data free ($30/mo. thereafter). My bet is that’s enough to get you hooked. Whoever you GIVE this to will be VERY happy. Trust me. HA. NOTE: not available in all areas–the Desire is a “CDMA” creature, so check with the folks at the GCI store near you for coverage details.
While you’re at it, ask about the special “Partner Lines” promo, where you can add four lines on to your account (not available with “unlimited” plans) for the entire year! Oh-did I mention anything about the Ford Fiesta they’re giving away? How about Alaska Airlines miles? Jeez–I can’t keep up. Surf over to GCI.com and check out all the specials. Surf faster, of course, when it’s 22Mbps. The MATRIX is HERE! HA!
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